Lord, Your mercies are new with every sunrise Your mercies are new with every sunrise ...

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I Love You Now And Always
It’s so amazing You’re the God who made the heavens Great is Your love for me ...
Beauty Of Your Grace
In every season In every place that I have been Predestination is at work...
For Your Grace
For the gift of your Spirit For your grace in our lives We give you thanks For the gift of your Spirit...
You Are My Shelter
You are my shelter You're my dwelling place You are my glory You're my shield and buckler You are my joy ...
Father We Love
Father we love you Father we Praise you We thank you for the things You have done...
I Lift Up My Hands
I lift up my hands To worship you Just loving you I'm one with you You're my desire...
Great God Of Salvation
Your Name is doing miracles Great and mighty miracles Right in this place Your Name is doing wonders Great and mighty wonders...
Joy Of The Whole World
You are the joy of the whole world You are the joy of the Father You are the joy of my heart...
Able God
With you I moved the mountains With you I leaped over a wall With you I conquered death time and time again ...
I Just Love To Love You Lord
Lord you mean to me more than everything No word can quantify you for anything...
King Of Glory
Dominion and Power All belong to You my Lord The glory and authority All belong to You my Lord ...