Father We Love
Father we love you Father we Praise you We thank you for the things You have done...
Father we love you Father we Praise you We thank you for the things You have done...
I lift up my hands To worship you Just loving you I'm one with you You're my desire...
Your Name is doing miracles Great and mighty miracles Right in this place Your Name is doing wonders Great and mighty wonders...
You are the joy of the whole world You are the joy of the Father You are the joy of my heart...
With you I moved the mountains With you I leaped over a wall With you I conquered death time and time again ...
Lord you mean to me more than everything No word can quantify you for anything...
I have seen the blind receive their sight The lame walk in Jesus' name From the touch of the master Jesus...
In the presence of the Lord Anything is possible There are answers in the name...
Healing clouds are gathered now Your faith is primed. Your time is now...
The Holy Spirit is here, and so are we To mend your broken heart Perfecting all that concerns you right now...
Your miracle is sure today It doesn't matter what it is There's power in the name of Jesus...