What A Mighty God You Are
The word of God
The Lamb upon the throne
All creation answers to you
The King of Glory
Lord all-powerful
All knees shall bow in reverence to you
The Lord of Hosts
Who rules with grace and truth
All dominion belongs to you
The Prince of Peace you keep in perfect peace
All whose minds are centered on you
Anything is possible with you
Your name is exceedingly far above all others
All things bright and beautiful you made
The universe you created by your infinite wisdom
Oh, what a mighty God you are
How majestic is your name
What a glorious privilege
It is to bless your holy name
All glory to you, Lord
Glorious Lord
I stand in awe of your magnificent power
Forever and ever
Lord, I bless your name
With every second of my days
Forever and ever
Oh what a mighty God you are
How majestic is your name
What a glorious privilege
It is to bless your Holy name
All Glory to you Lord
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