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Rejoice For Our Lord Is Born Today
Verse 1
In a lowly crib He lay
Radiant beams from His holy face
Born as Christ the highest-adored King
With redeeming grace to save us all
Offspring of a virgin’s womb
Son of God, love’s pure light
Born to rule the world with truth and grace
For all eternity
Rejoice, for our Lord is born today
In our hearts, our Saviour has come to live
The joy of heaven
And the hope of the whole world
Christ, the light of men, is here
Glory to the newborn King
Verse 2
The shepherds heard the angels call
Guided by a star, they left their stalls
They found the infant king in a stable low
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, adorned with grace
In wonder and awe, they bowed
Before the Messiah, whom they adore
Proclaiming His birth, they spread
The news of love
And peace, for all to choose
Rejoice, for our Lord is born today
In our hearts, our Saviour has come to live
The joy of heaven
And the hope of the whole world
Christ, the light of men, is here
Glory to the newborn King
Glory, hallelujah
Christ, the Lord, is born today
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