Given the mandate by God to restore praise to its rightful place, the Man of God, Reverend Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD, like David in 1 Chronicles 6:31 set up a choir to lead God’s people in worship in the Temple according to the laid down pattern in the Scriptures. This birthed the Loveworld Singers for the Loveworld Nation.


In the time of Moses, the Levites in the Bible constantly offered burnt sacrifices of rams and bulls as offerings unto the Lord in the Tabernacle, as commanded by God.

But King David, as instructed by God, in his own time and dispensation, set up the choirs with the musicians amongst the families of the Levites to offer unending sacrifices of praise, consistently unto the Lord in the Tabernacle with the singing groups and musicians, taking their turns and running shifts of praising God in the Tabernacle. (1 Chronicles 25:1-31 AMPC)

This same prescribed pattern is what has been laid by the Man of God, Pastor Chris, for the Loveworld Singers and musicians to follow.

Through the sound, intensive and extensive teachings of the Scriptures on praise, worship and more by the Man of God and with his constant training and guidance, the highly esteemed Director of the Loveworld Music Ministry, Evangelist Kathy Woghiren, and the esteemed members of the Loveworld Singers have written over 1000 new songs and still counting. These songs are not just scripturally accurate, but lexically structured. As a result, countless creative and awesome testimonies from around the world have been recorded through these Spirit-breathed songs.

All songs by the Loveworld Singers are well selected and edited by the Man of God himself, our Chief Priest, Chief Musician and Chief Instructor; as the Lord our God deserves our very best sacrifice of praise and worship.

In Hebrews 13:15, ‘By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.’ As true worshippers, the Church today needs scripturally seasoned Spirit-filled songs for Spirit-born worship.

In an atmosphere of true worship, with the right songs as communicated by the Man of God, Pastor Chris, great things happen, and miracles abound. There, we find answers to questions and obtain solutions to problems. Enraptured in worship, we receive revelations and deep insight into spiritual things from the Spirit of God; for worship is the highest form of Prayer.

No greater place have we had the blessings of God conveyed in great measures than in the atmosphere of Spirit-born worship.

A people that worship God in Spirit and in Truth will have their land cleaned from the reign and dominance of evil unto sanctification by the Spirit and presence of God.

There has never been a time in the history of mankind, wherever the true worship of the Living God, the Creator of heaven and earth, has been so needed than it is today. But we cannot worship God the right way today – ‘In SPIRIT and in TRUTH’ without being properly equipped with the right songs for the right sacrifice unto the Lord. Short of this, we might just be offering strange fires bearing the wrong sacrifices unto God which is very dangerous in the sight of the Lord.

For these very important reasons, the Man of God, Pastor Chris, has deemed it very necessary to furnish the ‘Body of Christ’ with scripturally correct Songs for Godly Worship.

Enjoy your journey here. We wish you a most prolific praise life and worship experience. God bless you.

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